Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The plague is over!

I survived the Plague of 2008.
After a rough week of a horrible, horrible cold-like flu-bronchitis I made it through alive. Between that and moving I missed nearly two weeks of workouts. Talk about feeling bad! That was *almost* worse than actually being sick!

I jumped back into it on Monday with an early morning workout with CP downtown. I took it easy and mainly just worked abs and arms. It felt pretty good but I definitely felt really weak. Tuesday I met SB and TE for a run with a goal time of 1h50min. Daunting to say the least after a long, long break. Despite the cold and the rain I made it through, for sure with the help of my training partners. It was not easy to say the least but I ran it all. The reward was seeing a double full rainbow over the Washington Monument on the home stretch. Aw yeah!

Today was another pretty good day. Since I missed the bike yesterday for the long run I decided to ride the spinning bike at work for a while and got in about 50 minutes. Thank goodness for my video ipod and the Office! I watched 2 episodes (The Fight and The Client) while riding and it got me through. I am starting to feel like I am really behind on my bike training but I think I can come back. After all...there are just 68 days until St. Anthony's (and MY BIRTHDAY!). Time to get cracking!

Also today....taught 2 abs classes at the gym. Will definitely be sore tomorrow! I got a few compliments for once which was really nice. Seemed like people enjoyed it and thought it intense enough. Rock on!

Went to swim practice tonight and made it through a 1000 yard swim as well as 6 100's and a cooldown. Not bad for showing up late even! went to The Tombs
afterwards with some of the Team which is always a good time. I tell you...wings never taste so good as they do after a hard swim! The beer might have helped too.

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